Maninya 1 Ross Edwards+
Uluru Song Martin Wesley-Smith+
Songs of the Night Wind Gwyneth Walker
Long Pond Revisited Lori Laitman
Bright April Rick Sowash
Om Kjaerlighet Oisten Sommerfeldt
On the Beach at Night Michael Knopf+
Walcott Songs Bernard Rands
Silent Night Martin Hennessy
Lament for Phaedra John Tavener
Drover's Dream traditional Australian folk song*+
Messiah (O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings, He Was Despised and Rejected) Handel
songs (Lob des Hohen Verstands, Phantasie, Hans und Grethe)* Gustav Mahler
+works by Australian composers
*arranged by Duo Striata
Uluru Song Martin Wesley-Smith+
Songs of the Night Wind Gwyneth Walker
Long Pond Revisited Lori Laitman
Bright April Rick Sowash
Om Kjaerlighet Oisten Sommerfeldt
On the Beach at Night Michael Knopf+
Walcott Songs Bernard Rands
Silent Night Martin Hennessy
Lament for Phaedra John Tavener
Drover's Dream traditional Australian folk song*+
Messiah (O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings, He Was Despised and Rejected) Handel
songs (Lob des Hohen Verstands, Phantasie, Hans und Grethe)* Gustav Mahler
+works by Australian composers
*arranged by Duo Striata